Dear Mr Simmons and any Potential Clients reading this .
We take pride in Running an Honest ,Customer Centric Company with both the Lowest Prices and best reputation in Reading .
With Regret we had no choice but to cancel a Taxi that was booked for Mr Simmons as the night before His Booking, His allocated Taxi Broke down .
Our prices are so low compared to our competition. (For example Reading to Stansted with our company is 24% cheaper than the average Taxi company in Reading at £85 vs £105 )
And the downside to us having the lowest prices in Reading in this instance was we were unable to get Mr Simmons Booking covered at the same rates we offer as no other firm would match our low pricing.
We contacted Mr Simmons as soon as we realised the TAXI could not be repaired despite our efforts to repair it once we Got the car recovered to our workshop .
We notified Mr Simmons at 8.43pm that his booking at 4:30am the next day could not be fulfilled and I am sorry he feels this was not reasonable notice .
I wish to provide proof in case there is any doubt as to the credibility of our claims that the Taxi broke down and I hope the below will prove that this is an extremely rare scenario as this is only the second time since we acquired vehicle ownership in 2014 that Our Reliable Toyota Prius has broken down and needed to be recovered .
Furthermore there were no signs of the impending breakdown as the car was driving as normal and had we had prior knowledge I would have notified Mr Simmons sooner than the 7+/- Hours notice I gave him.
The issue was rectified the next day and a New Part was fitted .And we now know the service life of this DC/DC inverter and keep one spare at our workshop .
The situation was out of our control ,not deliberate or foreseeable but nevertheless we apologised and were happy to offer a discount off Mr Simmons other trip .
Mr Simmons I am happy to pay the difference in price to you that you paid between our prices and the firm who took you to and from the airport
Simply email me
Thank you
I hope in the future you give us an Opportunity to put things Right and as a gesture of goodwill we will also offer you a great discount of any airport transfer